Awareness of our biases helps us recognize their influence
Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition ServiceThe Bias Inside Us Exhibition Media
Visit ProjectThe Bias Inside Us, a traveling exhibition produced for the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES), offers an opportunity to learn how to challenge bias in the world through awareness of one’s own bias. To engage visitors with thought-provoking media such as video testimonies, activities, and games, SITES engaged Night Kitchen Interactive.

Photograph By University of Wisconsin–Green Bay

Photograph by St. Cloud State University
Building upon an established visual identity, Night Kitchen Interactive produced over a dozen digital interactives to support the exhibition. These include a series of animated testimonial videos about the serious consequences of bias, an immersive expert interview between psychologist Dr. Tessa Charlesworth and philosopher Dr. Kwame Anthony Appiah, and a serious “choose your own adventure” game that teaches users how to spot and confront microaggressions in a casual social setting.

Photograph by St. Cloud State University
The Bias Inside Us continues to travel across the United States and will conclude its tour in 2026.

Photograph by St. Cloud State University

Photograph By University of Wisconsin–Green Bay
Among the videos in the exhibition is a series that features eight voices from diverse perspectives sharing personal experience with bias.
As you walk through, you’ll notice compelling images, hands-on interactive features, and powerful testimonials and videos to unpack the concept of bias.